Happy spring yall! Well, it may not feel like spring just yet,
but that’s ok. The season has started and soon the weather will catch on that
it’s supposed to be warm. I’m excited for skirts, dresses, and flip-flops
again! Besides comfortable clothes, spring also signifies a clean start and new
beginnings, so what better way to start off spring than with a self-image overhaul?
I’m going to start the conversation where my own self-image
overhaul began; my baby! “A baby changes everything.” That’s what everyone
says, and I think saying it is pretty much stating the obvious. I knew that
once I had my baby, my whole world would be changed. I was fully prepared to
not sleep for the next few years, eat a hot meal, wear makeup, or have time to
clean the house. Thankfully, our little man has been pretty easy-going, so I’ve
gotten to do all of those things pretty regularly. I have yet to feel as
exhausted as I imagined I would.
Even though a lot of things stayed the same, my life did
change in some pretty big ways, but I was totally unprepared for one of the
biggest changes of all. I never thought I would feel as confident being a
parent, and a person, as I do. I wasn't exactly nervous about bringing the baby
home. To be honest, I was more nervous about labor (which turned out to be a
totally unnecessary worry because I ended up needing a C-section). But babies?
I didn't really see what there was to be nervous about. I’d been around babies
my whole life. I knew I would know how to change his diaper, dress him, feed
him, etc. I knew I had all those essentials down.
But what about all the little things? All the books, blogs,
articles, and websites out there are filled with information about what to do,
and what not to do. And that would have been helpful…had it not all been
contradicting information. Reading it all was overwhelming and started making
me nervous, where I hadn't been before. So, rather than confuse myself and
worry that I was going to do everything wrong, I was able to keep my sanity and
gain my confidence because I ignored it all. And that turned out to be the best
decision I could have made!
For example: Should I breast-feed, or give him formula? The
“Nipple Nazis” (as my son’s pediatrician affectionately referred to them) would
argue that “Breast is best.” Then other women would argue that they
formula-fed, and their kids turned out just as well as breast-fed babies. What
none of the books or other baby resources told me was that there is a secret
third option -- bottle feeding expressed milk. I’d been breast-feeding for two
weeks and growing increasingly frustrated. The baby wasn't latching very well
most of the time, and whenever he did, it was uncomfortable. Little man and I
were both miserable, when the idea hit me. Why couldn't I just pump and feed
him with a bottle? He would still get the benefits that breast milk offers, but
feedings would be so much happier for both of us! None of the books, doctors,
or lactation consultants even mentioned it to me as a possible option, and in
fact, when I told my son’s pediatrician that was our plan, he discouraged it
(probably thinking that I’d grow frustrated with a pump). Despite that, almost
eight months later, little man is still getting breast milk from a bottle,
and life is MUCH easier.
A second example: When should I start introducing allergenic
foods? Doctors and scientists have said that it’s important to wait X amount of
time before introducing foods like peanuts, dairy, etc. due to allergies. That
never made sense to me. How can kids build up a tolerance to something if
they’re never exposed to it? Well, it turns out my question was valid because
now science is saying exactly what I always thought; it’s better to introduce
kids to allergenic foods early on.
Between the dreaded Mommy Wars, conflicting scientific
studies, and well-meaning relatives who did it a certain way, is it any wonder
that moms today are so nervous about having babies? With all the people who
think they know what you should do better than you, is it any wonder that so
many people have so little confidence in their decisions? So I have all my
advice summed up in one word: RELAX.
I’m not saying that doctors, scientists, or your in-laws
never know what they’re talking about. I’m sure they all know a lot more than I
do. But science and someone else’s experience can only tell us so much, and I
think it’s important to use parental instinct and personal intuition to bridge
the gaps. Sticking with the parenting example, when you’re a parent, you know
your child, and the people coming up with those studies have never even met
him. Every child is created differently, and you are uniquely made to provide
for his needs. You generally know what’s best for him, and what works best for
you and your child might not be the best way for me and mine. Doctors say to
lay your baby to sleep on his back. Well, mine was flipping himself pretty
early on to lay on his stomach. Did I stress over it? No, because I ignored the
books and did things the way my son needed.
So, take a couple deep breaths, let the Mommy Wars fall
beneath you where they belong, and have confidence in yourself. No matter what
stage of life you’re at, you can take this concept and apply it to your own
life. Have confidence in your decisions. A great Biblical example is Noah. Can
you imagine what people were probably saying about him, and to him, while he
built his ark? And what about Elizabeth? She raised John the Baptist
differently. Even his name was unconventional, because his name was not taken
from a relative. Can you imagine what people had to say about that? History is full of people who went on to do great things because they didn't do things "the right way." Why should we be any different?
There have always been naysayers who thought they knew
better, but if we can relax, and recognize that we’re being guided by that
still, small voice, no one else’s voices matter. So overhaul your self-image
and work on gaining some self-confidence. And then go out confidently and enjoy
the beautiful weather we have coming!
Little man out with his cousin yesterday enjoying the weather! They had a great time being pulled in the wagon by "Granky." |