Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Snips, snails, and puppy dog tails are cute too!

Didn't I just get done talking about how excited I was for spring? I'm pretty sure that was just within the past month, and already it feels like SUMMER! Is Virginia's weather bi-polar, or what? Today it's supposed to get up into the nineties! 90 degree weather?? Holy tamole! I think I was just complaining last week that it was unseasonably cold for April, and now it's unseasonably hot! I should just stop being surprised by anything the weather does in this state and accept it as just being how Virginia is. If I don't like the weather outside, I'll wait a minute or two. It'll change.

I knew this warm weather was coming though, so while I was out earlier this week, I tried to find some shorts for little man since all he really has are pants. I say tried because shopping for cute clothes for a little boy is next to impossible. It was the same story when I tried to find him an Easter outfit. And before that, a Christmas outfit. There were tables and tables full to bursting with clothes for little girls, and they were all adorable! But when I went hunting for the tables with little boy was like searching for Big Foot. I guess manufacturers think that boys don't care about their clothes, so they just don't bother making a whole heck of a lot for them, but my boy is still little, which means I'm the one picking out his clothes. And I LOVE dressing him in cute clothes!

I did eventually find two pairs of little shorts that were halfway decent, but I'm still disappointed in the lack of selection. My little boy is adorable, and I want to be able to dress him in the same way without having to pay a million dollars for custom baby clothes (because it seems silly to me to spend a ton of money on something he'll grow out of in a couple months)!

Is it because little boys are made of snips, snails, and puppy dog tails? Those things aren't as sweet as sugar, spice, and everything nice, so mommies of little boys, like me, are faced with tables and racks full of onesies with crude text about breast-feeding and who even knows what else. Nothing I would put my son in, that is for sure! So, step your game up clothing companies! I'll be here, waiting for something worthy of my son's cuteness for me to buy him.

My favorite outfit for little man- it was a gift from his Granny. (I know the hat doesn't match, but it was sunny outside, and I love him in that hat!)

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